Forensic Chemistry of Blood Typing

Forensic Chemistry of Blood Typing
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Blood typing is a method of classifying blood based on the presence or absence of specific proteins, called antigens, on the surface of red blood cells. Blood type, an inherited characteristic, is valuable to know in that it affects medical procedures, such as surgery and transfusions, paternity testing, as well as serving as evidence in criminal investigations. Determining blood type can help provide supporting evidence or eliminate a possible suspect’s involvement in a crime.

  • Disciplinary Core Ideas: PS1.A; PS1.B
  • Performance Expectations: MS-PS1-2
  • Cross Cutting Concepts: Patterns

  • Includes:
    • 4x simulated blood samples (crime scene, victim, suspect #1, & suspect #2)
    • 1x ABO/Rh Blood Typing Anti-sera
    • 1x pkg of mixing sticks
    • 1x blood typing tray

    Items needed, but not included
    Wax marking pencils or markers
    1 lab group
    Teachers manual and Student Study Guide copymasters


    Safety Data Sheet - (IS3705)


    Download (222.12k)